Monday 28 January 2008

Site 4, Gondwana (Test Video, 49 secs)

Site 4, Gondwana

You might need broadband to view this video.

This video was made using the video mode of my ordinary digital camera with resolution 320 x 240 pixels, and 15 frames per second. The file size of the video is 13 MB, and took about 15 minutes to upload to the blog with broadband. Video files can be a maximum of 100 MB, and would take well over an hour to upload with broadband.

cheers, keith

Sunday 27 January 2008

Gondwana News

18 Jan 2008 - 21st Birthday Reunion

Gondwana celebrated its 21st birthday with a weekend reunion event (18 to 20th January). This was highly successful with many previous community shareholders and residents present. One photograph from this event is at the top of this page, and there are a lot more on our Photo Album page.

15 Jan 2008 - Community Title

Byron Shire Council recently approved our development application to convert Gondwana from a Multiple Occupancy development to a Community Title development.

This change to Community Title offers an improved legal structure for Gondwana, including separate land titles for each dwelling site which will enable us to raise mortgages on dwelling sites. We have been working towards this for over five years now, so greet this approval with a great sense of relief. There are still a number of consent conditions of the approval which we need to implement, so it is still a little early to bring out the champagne, but it is still an important milestone on this particular journey.

Saturday 26 January 2008

How to contribute to this blog

Anyone can read this blog, but you will need to be invited by email to post to it.

If you are a Gondwana resident or a friend of Gondwana, please ask me if you wish to post to the blog, and an email invitation will be sent to you. You will need to have a Google account to contribute to the blog - the email invitation will give you instructions about creating one if you don't have one already.

You can post anything of interest to Gonds and friends of Gondwana - and it is easy to insert links, photos or videos, etc. Ask me if you have problems.

cheers, keith