Saturday 26 January 2008

How to contribute to this blog

Anyone can read this blog, but you will need to be invited by email to post to it.

If you are a Gondwana resident or a friend of Gondwana, please ask me if you wish to post to the blog, and an email invitation will be sent to you. You will need to have a Google account to contribute to the blog - the email invitation will give you instructions about creating one if you don't have one already.

You can post anything of interest to Gonds and friends of Gondwana - and it is easy to insert links, photos or videos, etc. Ask me if you have problems.

cheers, keith

1 comment:

Yuti said...

one day dru yoga workshop happening here 28th feb; 9am to 5pm

$90 or if paid before 15th feb $80

Autumn is a season of letting go and grounding yourself. Dru helps people who need a rest as much as one who needs an energy pick up.

bookings; yuti 66847639