Thursday 27 March 2008

HI Gondies, The latest news regarding Cane Toads comes from the beautiful well endowed (in the breast department), Andrina, previously known as Andy. She /he (it is awfully confusing now since Emily held THAT party), but any way Andy/ Andrina said in his ever so endearing female voice, (high B flat as far as I recall) that "maybe by keeping the cane toads in the freezer for the whole week it actually preserves the poisonous aspect of the Cane Toads". (not bad logic for a bust-y brunette hey?) If Bodha or anyone elso knows if we need to have them unfrozen for an amount of time before they will be safe for fetilizing...please respond. Soon, we have full freezers. I found your green bucket Bodha: will deliver soon. The cane toads need to express one more point: they were concerned with the lack of dress up entertainment offered by the actual shareholders with the exception of Rosie and Andy and Aparmait at THAT great fun party.........even the Cane toads left early on the party night.......found more stimulation inside drains found in the vicinity of the water closets. They are genuinely concerned if a Shareholder Meeting damages creativity? Until the next episode, Toadaloo, Yuti and the Great Hunters

Latest Cane Toad News

Practical hints omitted from the last Cane Toad News Release. Many toads were found in one spot: a puddle beside Tess and Eric's sperated bathroom shelter. Trapping strategy: make a few puddles a couple of nights before hunting to bait and catch them easily. Once caught, put in fridge, freeze and allow one week before using as compost. National parks taught Bodha that if wait a week the poison is no longer active and they make the best compost. Keeping in mind that our purpose is to prevent deaths of native animals from eating Cane Toads, digesting their poison, and to give space for native frogs. Toadaloo Hunters and Gatherers

Cane Toad Management Report

Andy gets a medal for picking up most of the 28, we (Bodha,Andy,Yuti) collected. Bodha gets applauded for her creative ability to conduct a whole choir of Cane toads using a cane garden rake. Yuti gets a clap on the back encouragement for she finally picked one up and screamed and then realised she was still alive. Nonetheless, Yuti does, however, have a keen eye for the toads (and good speed in telling Andy to pick it up). Aparamit got 20 on his own !!!!!! Near the dunnies of course.....Bela and Astra and Carolyn got probably close to 20 also. We enjoyed the competitive element and so I reccomend you do not totally trust my figures, I have some pecuniary interest in making sure our group is sounding impressively superior. So once a month we'll pursue this fun until people go round saying "What is a cane toad? Never seen one". It is nice to be walking in the night through our land, having fun supporting each other; walking after dinner is a very healthy thing to do. Toadaloo, Yuti

Wednesday 26 March 2008

Sunday 23 March 2008

New Webpages

A few new pages have been added to the Gondwana website:
  1. Some of Gondwana's history is on the History page.
  2. Some historical photos are here.
  3. Landcare photos are here.
  4. Building the Meditation Hall is shown here.
  5. An article on Dru Yoga is here.
More contributions of photos for the website are always welcome.

cheers, keith