Wednesday 14 May 2008

Family Constellation 17.05.2008,

With Lina Baier, 10:00am - 3:00pm

Open Sharing dates change to 2nd + 4th Tuesday

We decided to change the event to Tuesdays as it is easier to remember.

Thursday 8 May 2008

Heart Dance, Saturday 17.05.08, 7:30pm - 9:30pm

Extatic Dance for Body and Soul at the Hall will be facilitated by Liat

A Open Sharing on Tuesday 13.05.2008, 6:30pm

All residence of Gondwana a welcome to participate in our open sharing at Aparimits house.

Saturday 3 May 2008

Family Constellation 9+10.05.2008,

There will be Family Constellations on 9.5.08, 1:30pm - 4:30pm
and 10.5.08, 9:30am - 3:00pm with Lina Baier, at the Hall.