Tuesday 10 June 2008

Heart Dance, Saturday 21.06.08, 7:30pm - 9:30pm

Extatic Dance for Body and Soul at the Hall will be facilitated by Liat

Monday 2 June 2008

Seven Day Vipassana 23rd - 30th of June

We are happy to have this retreat happening here again. The last one in January was such a beautiful and precious adventure and Samvado is ready to facilitate the next one. If you would like to stay over night or camp let us know as soon as possible. Call Samvado at 66847210.

Two Days Vipassana 5th + 6th of June

Two Days Vipassana will be held at 5th + 6th of June starting 5:45 and ending in the evening. You can participate at any time. It's free, bring your own lunch. Donations are welcome. Call Samvado 66847210 for more details.