Wednesday 16 December 2009

Xmas Dinner

To all friends of Gondwana. Our Xmas dinner will be held as usual on Xmas day. Come at 5pm on Friday 25th to eat at 6pm. Please bring some food and drink to share, and also a small Xmas present (suggested value about $10) to put in Santa's sack.

Ho! Ho! Ho!

Saturday 12 December 2009

Silent Sitting Retreat 27.12. - 3.01.10

We will sit from 5:45am and end 21:00 with discourse. Everyone welcome. Its free, no teacher, you look after yourself. For more info. call Aparimit 66847010.

Tuesday 27 October 2009

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Well after three years of growth, stretching and letting go and welcoming new........25 of us have finally Graduated in the Dru Yoga Teacher Training......last sunday in canberra were given such graceful celebrations to urge us on to take the work further in whatever way we choose......i dressed as Lakshmi to represent the abundance about to come for me to be able to do the service I wish to in Gondwana and in Dru.