Tuesday 29 April 2008

Family Constellation 3.05.2008, 9:30am-1:30pm

There will be a Family Constellation with Lina Baier on Saturday.

OM Meditation, Saturday 03.05.2008, 2pm-4:30pm

There will be a OM Meditation at the Hall call Avikal for more information: 0431180024

Gondwana Events Calendar

A calendar of Gondwana Events is now available, thanks to Aparimit - see Calendar.

Tuesday 22 April 2008

Frogs and Toads

If you go down to the woods today, you are sure to be suprised......... The little green frogs who belong here are celebrating to express gratitude to Bela and Pramod and Neeten for doing such a great job at clearing out Cane Toads. Last night Bela went all over the greys lane side, (Sat and Hasyas, Mitra etc) hunting for Toads and found NONE!!! Pramod and i went through Bodhas, and mine and his and Tess's and NONE EITHER!!! Maybe it is just the cooler weather....but maybe it is the great Toad Catcher designed by Pramod......badminton racket with little pocket made from plastic salad sieve, ....or the ever so persitant hunting of Bela. I have recently been given a bio dynamic prep 500 to improve/balance our soils bacteria and fungi (increase availability of nutrients) and have been told I can add some dead, cooked Toad juice to help them. stay far away. This delivery will be four times within one year, and the first spraying will be between the 25th of April and 10 days from that. If anyone is willing to help me do the one hour (vortex, chaos, liquid stirring), I appreciate it. I come back from Canberra on the 28th so maybe a few days after that we can do the biodynamic ritual.

Saturday 19 April 2008

Friday 18 April 2008

15+16.Mai.2008 Vipassana

Vipassana Meditation Days at Gondwana Meditation Hall. Call Samvado for details at 02 66847210.

24.April.2008 Open Sharing

We will have our Open Sharing again this Thursday 6:15pm at Aparimit's house. All Gondwana residents are welcome to share and communicate what is happening for them in our circle. It's a space we give each other to listen and be heard, to deepen into our connection with each other.

Those of us who have come, have enjoyed learning more about each other. We think, 'what will I say for 10 minutes', and afterwards 'wow I filled it up easily'.

If this is your dinner time, bring a bowl of food for yourself. Hope to see you there.

Tuesday 15 April 2008

Next Sunday evening at 8pm those of you who want to see less evidence of the Cane Toad invasion can meet at the main house to plot for a gold medal while Andy and Andrina are out of town. Bring bucket, gloves, good torch, plastic bags and competitive spirit.

Monday 14 April 2008

Badminton Gondwana

(Bad Mint On)
Following a stunning Sunday morning of Free Trade coffee consumption in a carefully positioned sunny sitting arrangement, the first ever Badminton, of Gondwana, was briefly sighted somewhere between Leisurely Manor, Jasmine House, Summer Cottage, and Tess and Eric’s Water Closet.
It initially proceeded with some fine hits and misses between Yuti and Jann until this exciting game became infested with hysterical laughter which pulled out the Key Bored neighbour, Joav, to be out on the damp grass helping Yuti (in her crab competitive style) to slaughter the poor little handicapped 6 foot 4 inches Jann. (He consoled himself by continually blaming the sun in his eyes and the rock protruding one millimetre above the ground for his many misses!)
Fortunately the rackets were purchased from a reliable source, and it is to be noted were not, I repeat NOT taken from Neeten’s Cane Toad catching tool box. Bad Mint On requires a hitting approach to a shuttle cock instead of the catching and enclosing approach for tadpoles in the Neeten style racket.
As soon as the match was sighted by Tess and Pramod, they remembered they needed to visit their grandchildren and vanished.
This new Club will be open to all Gondwana residents. Perhaps some great territorial team competitions will manifest with the clear intent of achieving limited injuries, relationship break ups and language regressions. The umpire will be the Buddha Statue and the colourful cheer ladies: King Parrots, Rainbow Parrots, Magpies and Butcher Birds.
Until the next Badminton episode,
hit and miss,
From The Gondwana Racketeers

Latest cane toad news flash

Latest Cane Toad News Flash

A strong wind warning has come for Andy regards his unstable position as number one in the Cane Toad Hunt Department. Two gentlemen petrified of being publicly viewed as less capable primal hunters of our village, indulged themselves to invent remarkably efficiant ways of exterminating large quantities of Toads in brief time. A great success story appears to have occured in Neetens garden; he manufactured a fancy badminton racket into what looks like a Cane Toad Butterfly Catcher and; ever so gracefully, gently, in his Buddha style, he floated it through his pond, luring the young ones, (telling the Owl and the Pussy Cat story), and Wam Bang!!!....there were hundreds of baby (tadpoles) Cane Toads done with. This got his neighbouring comrade, Pramod, feeling a bit chuffed so Pramod has been out there every night hunting the Toads (some of you must be hearing his hunting horn?) and he is doing a remarkable job. It's got to the point where I have trouble finding them now. (Well, with the exception of late saturday night when I arrived home from a party and was about to open my door to go in:only to notice just on time that there was a large Cane Toad waiting patiently at my door to jump in as soon as i opened!)

Tess, unfortunately, (before she elected herself as the Director of Burial Sites), found one in her hand in her garden which had been hastily buried by Eric after one of his great hunts. Her scream was a good Cancerian style that made me feel that lovely feeling, "I am not alone".

P.S. Andy, we are going to have to show these guys a thing or two on the next pre full moon hunt...so get out that lovely intuitive side you kindly showed us that party night, (Andrina), and think up your strategy for our next victory. Friday 18th is two nights before full moon...in libra and my moon calander says it is a good day for diplomatic endevours, (and an excellent day for baking).
Love and big hint to all,

Yuti, Gatherers, Hunters and Strategists

Bodha, Andrina and the Toads

Hi folks this letter came from Bodha and I do not want to deny any of you the pleasure of reading her response, advice and her revealing confessions. I think we need another fancy dress party. We have just had a warm up and the next one will occur a different day to a C.T. meeting. (Clicking Tounges?) (Cane Toadaling?) (Critical Timing?) (Crucifiction Tight-lip?) (Come Together?) (Canary Training?)

Love Yuti

Here is her letter below: Rated R

Letter from Bodha early April

I must admit the highlight of my day was a face full of ample boosom displayed by the enticing Andrina and given a bit less brain dead after the meeting could have almost been inspired to go home and change into some hunky bloke stuff to try and pick her up. But there you go boring old shareholders with heads full of CT stuff instead of fun and frivolity. What a bore never mind maybe a bit more notice would have inspired us to even dress up for our meeting and have some fun at that.
Cane Toads as far as I was told lose their poison after about 5 days but nor sure if the freezer time makes a difference.
Suppose to be good compost so maybe instead of putting them in the bins and stinking out the shed they could be dug into the ground or well covered in the compost.
Lets do it again and I want to go in Andy/Adrinas team pleeeeeaaaaase
First news of the Cane Toad Hunting Adventure, March 18th

This thursday eve at 6pm in the TV room, the first Chapter of the Bhagavad Gita sweetly delivered on DVD by Mansukh Patel in Wales (Dru Teacher) will be shown. It goes for about half an hour. All welcome. ( There are eighteen chapters on the DVD"S but it is good to get a sweet little taste and later more if feel inspired)This relavant clear delivery of Arjuna's battle with his own despondancy, and the response of Krishna, will perhaps prepare us for the community activity 8pm this same thursday night:

Liberation of Cane Toads From Physical Form.....
Please come to main house at 8pm with a bucket, gloves, good torch, plastic bags.
