Monday 14 April 2008

Latest cane toad news flash

Latest Cane Toad News Flash

A strong wind warning has come for Andy regards his unstable position as number one in the Cane Toad Hunt Department. Two gentlemen petrified of being publicly viewed as less capable primal hunters of our village, indulged themselves to invent remarkably efficiant ways of exterminating large quantities of Toads in brief time. A great success story appears to have occured in Neetens garden; he manufactured a fancy badminton racket into what looks like a Cane Toad Butterfly Catcher and; ever so gracefully, gently, in his Buddha style, he floated it through his pond, luring the young ones, (telling the Owl and the Pussy Cat story), and Wam Bang!!!....there were hundreds of baby (tadpoles) Cane Toads done with. This got his neighbouring comrade, Pramod, feeling a bit chuffed so Pramod has been out there every night hunting the Toads (some of you must be hearing his hunting horn?) and he is doing a remarkable job. It's got to the point where I have trouble finding them now. (Well, with the exception of late saturday night when I arrived home from a party and was about to open my door to go in:only to notice just on time that there was a large Cane Toad waiting patiently at my door to jump in as soon as i opened!)

Tess, unfortunately, (before she elected herself as the Director of Burial Sites), found one in her hand in her garden which had been hastily buried by Eric after one of his great hunts. Her scream was a good Cancerian style that made me feel that lovely feeling, "I am not alone".

P.S. Andy, we are going to have to show these guys a thing or two on the next pre full moon get out that lovely intuitive side you kindly showed us that party night, (Andrina), and think up your strategy for our next victory. Friday 18th is two nights before full libra and my moon calander says it is a good day for diplomatic endevours, (and an excellent day for baking).
Love and big hint to all,

Yuti, Gatherers, Hunters and Strategists

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