Monday 14 April 2008

Badminton Gondwana

(Bad Mint On)
Following a stunning Sunday morning of Free Trade coffee consumption in a carefully positioned sunny sitting arrangement, the first ever Badminton, of Gondwana, was briefly sighted somewhere between Leisurely Manor, Jasmine House, Summer Cottage, and Tess and Eric’s Water Closet.
It initially proceeded with some fine hits and misses between Yuti and Jann until this exciting game became infested with hysterical laughter which pulled out the Key Bored neighbour, Joav, to be out on the damp grass helping Yuti (in her crab competitive style) to slaughter the poor little handicapped 6 foot 4 inches Jann. (He consoled himself by continually blaming the sun in his eyes and the rock protruding one millimetre above the ground for his many misses!)
Fortunately the rackets were purchased from a reliable source, and it is to be noted were not, I repeat NOT taken from Neeten’s Cane Toad catching tool box. Bad Mint On requires a hitting approach to a shuttle cock instead of the catching and enclosing approach for tadpoles in the Neeten style racket.
As soon as the match was sighted by Tess and Pramod, they remembered they needed to visit their grandchildren and vanished.
This new Club will be open to all Gondwana residents. Perhaps some great territorial team competitions will manifest with the clear intent of achieving limited injuries, relationship break ups and language regressions. The umpire will be the Buddha Statue and the colourful cheer ladies: King Parrots, Rainbow Parrots, Magpies and Butcher Birds.
Until the next Badminton episode,
hit and miss,
From The Gondwana Racketeers

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